I plan on blogging a bit about the bigger developments on the Jupiter project. Especially those around CI/CD, integration with various 3rd party systems, productionisation efforts, etc. The infra bits as it were. Not so much the “code itself”, cause that usually is straightforward.

But I do want to spend a bunch of time on the system as it is right now, before going into that.

As mentioned in the announcement, the system is just a CLI app right now. It’s written in Python, using version 3.6, and it is a standard console app. It doesn’t use any framework, any fancy library, but it does make use of all the goodies in the standard lib - argparse, logging, yaml, etc. Pendulum is used for some datetime stuff, cause apparently no language can get working with time right in the standard library and we need to rely on Joda/Noda/Pendulum/moment/etc to get something OK.

The choice of Python merits some discussion. For my hobby projects it would not be my first choice these days. I’m in the TypeScript+Node camp and happy with this. However the best/only SDK for Notion.so is notion-py, so realistically the choice was made for me. It was by no means a painful process, and the good parts or Python are still good - nice and clean(er) language, massive standard library, many external packages to choose from, etc. The bad or meh parts are still there though. Virtual envs and the multitude of package systems are prime examples here. Package vs non-package (only requirements.txt projects) are still a pet-peeve of mine. Doesn’t help that the issue is basically solved in Node land. I understand things are better in Python3.7+, with type annotations, async/await, etc. But due to the distribution mechanism I’ve chosen and which will be covered in later sections, it’s a no go for now.

Anyway, going back to the project overview, the repo structure is quite barebones now. It just looks like this:

├── Dockerfile
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── docs
├── requirements.txt
└── src
    ├── archive_done_tasks.py
    ├── command.py
    ├── create_project.py
    ├── init.py
    ├── jupiter.py
    ├── lockfile.py
    ├── remove_archived_tasks.py
    ├── schedules.py
    ├── schema.py
    ├── space_utils.py
    ├── upsert_big_plans.py
    └── upsert_tasks.py

There are the standard README, LICENSE.txt, .gitignore, etc. There’s also a Makefile with two simple rules for Docker work.

The Dockerfile itself is very barebones. It’s based on Alpine, a standard base image for “small” containers, and the python3.6 image more precisely. The packages that are installed are as a result of the package dependencies from requirements.txt. Otherwise it just copies srcs, and sets up a proper entrypoint:

FROM python:3.6-alpine
MAINTAINER Horia Coman <horia141@gmail.com>

RUN apk --no-cache --update add \
    build-base \
    libffi-dev \

WORKDIR /jupiter

COPY requirements.txt ./
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

COPY src src


ENTRYPOINT ["python", "src/jupiter.py"]

Finally, the source code is in src. There’s just a couple of things to note about the code here:

  • It’s a very flat structure and relatively unorganised. Don’t go looking for clean code here!
  • A useful pattern is the Command one. The init, upsert-tasks, archive-done-tasks are implemented like Commands actually, setup in the jupiter.py main script. They make use of the various other modules.
  • Perhaps the trickiest code is in upsert_tasks.py and schedules.py. These deal with upserting repeating tasks and all the business domain constraints there (repeat period, skips, vacations, etc.). The other are a big more CRUD-ish.

As for whole project stats, this is what cloc reports:

      21 text files.
      21 unique files.
       5 files ignored.

github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.82  T=0.06 s (271.4 files/s, 31662.7 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Python                          12            264             15           1510
Markdown                         3             51              0            117
Dockerfile                       1              6              0             12
make                             1              2              0              6
SUM:                            17            323             15           1645

That’s about it for this first installment. Watch out for later ones, and for later developments of the system!